[call for posters]台灣生物資訊與系統生物學研討會 (BIT2012)
Call for Posters — BIT2012
The 10th Symposium of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology in Taiwan (BIT2012)
19~21 October,2012, National Yang-Ming University
In order to promote the Bioinformatic education and community in Taiwan, the steering committee of Bioinformatic Education Resource Center initiated the idea of organizing a bioinformatic conference, named the Symposium of Bioinformatics in Taiwan (BIT). The first BIT was held at National Yang-Ming University in 2003. Bioinformatics and systems biology are two sides of a coin. Systems scientists study the behavior of a system by analyzing the signals emitted from a system. Bioinformation is actually the signal emitted from a living system. Both of these two fields are interdisciplinary fields, which requires the collaboration among people from biology, physical sciences, information science, and engineering. The conference provides an opportunity to collect these experts together. From 2007, the name of the meeting was change to "the Symposium of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology in Taiwan" while keeping BIT as its nickname.
BIT has growth to become the leading and the largest bioinformatics conference in Taiwan. This meeting provides a platform for researchers in Taiwan to interact with foreign and domestic experts in the fields of bioinformatics and systems biology. We hope to set up a stage for attracting scientists not only to increase their exposure to cutting edge technological and scientific advances but also for multilateral collaborations. In 2008, BIT was held jointly with the International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB), which is the official conference of the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet).
BIT2012 will be jointly hosted with JCMIT2012 (Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan). JCMIT is the annual meeting of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics.
We solicit high-quality research posters in BIT2012 conference themes, conveying a scientific result. Authors can submit a poster that focuses on bioinformatics and computational biology, but not limited to the following areas:
- Bioinformatics applications
- Bioinformatics models, methods, algorithms
- Biological sequence analysis
- Bio-ontology and semantics
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Database management
- Drug design and discovery
- Genomics
- High through-put omics and imaging platforms
- Medical and health informatics
- Metabolomics
- Metagenomics
- Microarray analysis
- Network biology
- Proteomics
- Structural bioinformatics
- Synthetic biology
- Systems biology
- Transcriptomics
Poster abstracts are limited to 2 pages, including title, figures, tables, text, and references. Abstracts to BIT2012 must be submitted through the ISAS Conference Management System. Please see below for the formatting templates that must be used for submitted poster abstracts.
Poster abstract template: Download file
Submission site:
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 31 Aug, 2012
poster decisions announced: 15 Sept., 2012
Symposium: 20~21 Oct., 2012
Workshop: 19 Oct. , 2012